Reading For Pleasure

At Galleywood Infant School we aim to instil a lifelong love of books in our children. We know that developing a love of reading in children from the early years brings wide-ranging benefits that can have a profoundly positive impact on our children’s lives now and in the future. Our children have many opportunities to read and share books throughout the school day and we encourage you to share books as a family at home too!

Reading at Home

The Magic of Sharing Stories at Home

This short video gives some simple tips about the different ways that you can share books at home with your children and explains why it is so important to do so!

The magic of sharing stories at home (

Sharing books with your child is a precious time for you to share ideas, feelings and have fun as you chat together! The links below share some top tips for how to engage your child in ‘book chat’, prompting them to engage and think about the story.

thumbnail of book-chat-guide


thumbnail of book-chat-poster


Book Recommendations

We have put together some book recommendations for you and your family of high-quality books that you might want to share together, including both fiction and non-fiction texts. We have also linked pages from the ‘Branching Out’ section of the Books for Topics website. These pages are particularly helpful if your child has enjoyed books by a certain author and you are keen for them to try something similar!

thumbnail of Book Recommendations for Pre-School

thumbnail of Book Recommendations for Reception

thumbnail of Book Recommendations for Year 1

thumbnail of Book Recommendations for Year 2

thumbnail of Top-Notch Non-Fiction!.pub

thumbnail of Books about Black

thumbnail of Books Celebrating Diversity and

thumbnail of Books to start conversations about online safety

thumbnail of branching-out-horrid-henry

thumbnail of branching-out-julia-donaldsonthumbnail of branching-out-rainbow-magic

                            thumbnail of branching-out-supertatothumbnail of branching-out-roald-dahl

Galleywood Infant School
Barnard Road

Headteacher - Mrs Sarah Manning
SENCO - Mrs Kelly Fennell
Chair of Governors - Mr Richard  Holmes